We Love Our Students!


BBfK alumni on her experience with the program.


BBfK student on how he can apply his knowledge to the future.

“Being financially well, is essential to SUCCEEDING” - Bbfk alum



When a Fillmore, CA high school junior was asked if they learned anything that they were able to teach their family, she responded learning to budget using a spreadsheet really helped my family.

When another high school junior was asked the same question, she responded “I showed my friends how stocks work, and how to purchase stocks in different companies”.

A high school freshman said of the MORE program, “I loved learning about finances and what to do after high school. I feel that being part of this program will make my transition into adult life easier.

“I believe a career based education is essential to optimizing a student’s career, financial standing, and overall general life quality.” - Stanford University Summer Intern